Blackfriars Academy is a thriving school and your child is part of this success. We aim for an environment which enables and encourages all members of our school community to inspire, learn, enjoy, achieve and have fun. For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education, it is vital that they attend school regularly and your child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning.
It is very important therefore that you make sure that your child attends regularly. We work with VIP Education to support us with our attendance work.
Parent’s must:
- Ensure children attend school regularly and punctually
- Contact school on each day of absence via the school office (01782 987150) by 09:00 AM.
- Avoid holidays in term time wherever possible and apply in advance in writing via the holiday request form available from reception. Please send this into school.
- Attend meetings in school
- Participation in the home-school agreement and co-operate in support and interventions offered by school or other agencies
Pupils must:
- Acknowledge behaviour needed out of school e.g. early bedtime.
- Attend school/registration punctually.
- Speak to parents/teacher if issues arise that may have an effect on their school attendance.
- Co-operate and participate in interventions and support offered by the school or other agencies.
School attendance contacts
Phillipa Shutt – Receptionist and Clerical Assistant: contact for parents to notify school of a pupil’s absence.
Jamie Campbell – Head Teacher: senior leader responsible for the strategic approach to attendance in school. Support for specific and more serious attendance concerns.
The staff named above can be contacted on school phone number 01782 987150.
Please click the following link to view our Attendance Policy