The Cenotaph we made and wreaths laid by staff and students.
On Friday morning we held our annual Remembrance assembly beautifully orchestrated by Mrs Emmens and the Bridgewater team. The ceremony this year started with students from Bridgewater bringing out two drums and both the United Kingdom and United Nations flags to create a small Cenotaph. Once the Cenotaph was constructed, members of staff representing different groups such as the caretakers, the IT department, leadership and admin came forward to lay a paper wreath first. After that, student council reps from each class took it in turns to lay a wreath for their class, respectfully and graciously. Once all the wreaths had been laid we held a small silence which ended with a bugle call from the Last Post.

Our flagpole on the yard
After the assembly, students made their way to the yard where our new flagpole was about to fly the Union Jack in honour of Remembrance Day. After a small speech and a rendition of the national anthem the flag was finally flown.
We’d like to give a massive thank you to Bridgewater for planning and delivering such a lovely assembly.