What does our immersive pathway look like?
The Immersive Pathway is for those pupils who need a range of multi-sensory experiences to make sense of their world and to stimulate engagement and interaction. Through structured, repetitive immersive environments and topics that stimulate the senses, the pupils are motivated to engage, experience, anticipate, participate and develop their interaction and communication skills.
October 2017 Ofsted Inspection commented upon an Immersive pathway lesson ‘In one lesson, we observed pupils exploring the sights, sounds and even tastes of a rainforest. Staff supported pupils to explore rain sticks and sample figs. As a result, pupils wanted to learn and were demonstrating their ability to take turns and express their feelings” Practice was judged to be ‘Outstanding’
Communication opportunities and development is at the heart of the pathway and is implemented through Intensive Interaction, Resonance Board sessions, Rebound, Sensology, Music and Movement, Breakfast club, Story Massage, TacPac, 4D Immersive technology sessions and hydro pool sessions to name a few.
There are opportunities for the classes in the Immersive pathway to mix together in the mornings for active Sensory Regulation sessions and in the afternoon for therapeutic-type sessions.
The pupils’ social, independence and self-help skills are promoted as much as possible through the above activities and at other times with the support of the physiotherapy team in school, the Personal Care team who assist in the bathroom and with physical management, for those that it is appropriate for. As well as the School Nurse who oversees Care plans and the administration of medication and the Multi-sensory Impairment Team who visit school.
Students are assessed when they join Blackfriars and we liaise with parents to discuss not only EHCP targets but other learning goals. We then carefully map those onto the curriculum, taking advantage of every opportunity to ensure that learning takes place in a nurturing, enjoyable environment.
Your child will be taught by a team led by qualified teachers who are subject specialists as well as experts in teaching students with SEND. This team approach ensures that pupils receive a bespoke education and learning experience personalised to their needs. Assessment is ongoing throughout their journey on the questioning pathway, providing a direction for learning that is relevant to the individuals’ needs.
Come and discuss your child’s needs and find out more about our Immersive Pathway, a pathway underpinned by 23 years of ‘outstanding’ teaching as rated by OFSTED.
Curriculum Plans
*Clarice Curriculum Plan to Follow