On Monday 12th November, we came together as a school community to commemorate Remembrance Day with a moving and thoughtfully planned assembly.

On Monday 12th November, we came together as a school community to commemorate Remembrance Day with a moving and thoughtfully planned assembly.
It’s been an exciting autumn term filled with fun and meaningful experiences for our students!
It has been another excellent year for exams this year with students achieving qualifications in 22 different qualifications. The majority of year 11 students either achieved or exceeded their targets, with two students gaining grades at GCSE in maths and English,...
We are incredibly proud of our students and how hard they worked towards their external accreditation. What an amazing set of results. Comparing student results with our data targets and flight paths, all students achieved or exceeded their targets in all subject areas.
Like the whole country I was upset when I heard the news of Queen Elizabeth’s death. However, if someone had told me that day that I would been going on a trip to London to see the Queen Lying in state, I would have told you you were crazy. But I hadn’t considered my Aunt, Shell, and her wild ideas. Everyone should have an Aunt Shell in their life.
This year we had both World Book Day and Sparkle Day on Friday the 3rd of March! This meant that we had a big mix of sparkly book characters in our classes. To celebrate World Book Day each class had to prepare an interactive experience about the book of their choice,...
On Friday the 11th of November we held our Remembrance Day assembly.
During our Harvest Festival assembly we had our Pumpkin Contest where students designed pumpkins over half term, one design from each class was chosen and then made before Mrs Martin had the tough choice of deciding on a winner!
We are super excited that our newly refurbished pool opened in early October. All our students have been eagerly waiting for this day so they can get back to doing what they love, swimming! The pool has had a brand new lining put in, now with our school logo printed...